Monday, 8 October 2018

Produce Finally -- Oct 2, 2018

This farming season is a difficult one because we had almost no rain for the whole summer.  Yet, we finally see some produces now.  More to come!

Farm on Fire -- June 27, 2018

親愛的弟兄姊妹 :
今年6 月27 日Open Door 的農地發生了一場不小的火警,大約30%-40% 的農地被火燒
着並需要出動四位消防員幫助撲息火種。感謝神,沒有人因此受傷,財物和田中的農作物都沒有因此火災而受到損失,這場火災大約到下午6 時15 分撲息。若想了解更多詳情, 請與我們聯絡:
Dear Brothers and Sisters
In the afternoon of June 27, 2018, a medium-size fire was found in Open Door's farm land. Around 30% to 40% of the land has been burned and it required 4 fire fighters to attend this incident. Thanks be to God that no one is injured nor any property and produces have been affected. Around 6:15pm, the fire was extinguished.
If you want to know more detail, please contact us at